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Censoring Little Girls on Technicalities and Other Pro-Abortion Extremism
by Culture Jam for Life

When Congress worked on the bill to ban the grisly procedure of partial birth abortion in 1997, a couple and their daughter flew to Washington to argue their case in support of Rick Santorum’s bill. Lori Watts of Pennsylvania had been pregnant with her daughter, Donna Joy Watts. Lori and her husband had been encouraged by doctors and their insurance carrier to undergo a partial birth abortion, since a sonogram showed that Donna was missing part of her brain, while other parts of the brain were outside her head, and her baby also had hydrocephalus. Doctors told them that there was “no chance” of the baby’s survival, even though later they would end up having the child, which in turn did survive after all, learning to run (she wasn’t even supposed to be able to walk) and has an impressive vocabulary (she wasn’t supposed to be able to talk, either) and bring her parents joy. They had been told that a normal delivery would be very dangerous, since the baby’s head was enlarged, but instead of giving in to the pressure they asked why a cesarean section could not be done instead. (1)

The Wattses’ soon realized that their insurance company was encouraging them to abort because it was cheaper—not only a cheaper procedure but it would result in a “dead baby—not one who would require surgery and expensive medical care.” (2)

What is even more incredulous is that fact that during the Partial Birth Abortion Ban debate on the floor of the Senate, Donna Joy Watts and her parents were brought in, but they ended up being ushered out after pro-abortion Barbara Boxer (D-California) insisted they be kicked out. The reason ended up being a technicality: in order to sit in on a debate, a person has to be six years old, and Donna was five at the time.

1. Jane Chastain, “House tackles infanticide,” World Net Daily, March 13, 2003,

2. Ibid.