Special Reports
Cristin, Missouri
One thing that comes to mind when I think of abortion--murder. What gives us the right to take another life? Maybe it's the lack of responsibility or just simply the lack of knowledge. Some women may not know all the alternatives that are out there, maybe even getting some pressure by the father the only answer to them is abortion. It's sad to think how easy it is to get an abortion nowadays. This world practically shuns adoption but promotes killing a human being. That doesn't make sense. In certain situations where the women feels like she can't keep her baby she shouldn't have to feel like abortion is the only and right choice. I think what these women need are people to stand by them and let them know about ways to provide for their child or an alternative other than abortion.
It seems like most of the women getting abortions are young, single women. Not for all, but some men out there would push the issue of abortion because they "aren't ready." If you're not ready for the responsibility, you're not ready for the action. Abortion seems a heck of a lot cheaper than years of child support, so why not? This is no excuse, a life is a life no matter what.