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pro-life testimonies

Lindsey, Florida

I got pregnant when I was 18 years old; I was scared to death what was going to happen with my life. I was raised not to believe in abortion, and I was trying hard to understand what I was about to go through. I even had my real mother tell me to consider all my options . . . with abortion being one of them. I chose instead to have the baby and go through an adoption. I know most people say that they could not go nine months just to give their baby away, but I am living proof you can! And in all actuality, I did not give the child away . . . I gave him a LIFE! A chance to be born! The adoptive family also got a gift they could never have on their own--a child! Whom they love and care for as if he was their own born son. I urge women of every age not to even consider abortion. Imagine if your parent aborted you. I have no clue why I got pregnant when I did. I had had sex without getting pregnant. So to me, I feel that there was a reason I was to get pregnant. Maybe he is to be a president, or the discover of the cure for AIDS. I dont know, but what I do know is because I did not choose abortion, he now has a chance to live to the fullest extent of what he was meant to.

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