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Special Reports

There are millions of pro-life writers and people, and here's a few of the more famous ones.

patricia heaton


Emmy award winning actress Patricia Heaton, honorary co-chair of Feminists for Life, is a voice for the voiceless.




serrin foster


Serrin Foster stands up for women and children with Feminists for Life.




serrin foster


George Orwell, author of 1984 and Animal Farm as well as a political and lliterary genius, was also pro-life.




serrin foster


Kathy Ireland became pro-life after learning of the biology of the unborn child.




serrin foster


Actress Margaret Colin is honorary co-chair of Feminists for Life.




serrin foster


Ben Stein also stands up for early human life.




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Conservative commentator and author Michelle Malkin is also pro-life.




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Nat Hentoff, free speech advocate, is a self-described "Jewish atheist, civil libertarian, imperfect pacifist and pro-lifer."




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Maya Angelou chose life for her unborn child.




serrin foster


Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of the pro-abortion organization NARAL, later turned pro-life and became a Christian after doing thousands of abortions.




serrin foster


The most talented female singer from the past ten years of any rock band stated that abortion hurts women.




serrin foster


The talented singer and rapper Lauryn Hill has a pro-life song as well.